mothers day weekend milestones

ready or not, here they come.

for my birthday this year [a week ago], lulu got me something so big…
her talent of climbing out of her crib.

2 years & 3 months old.
we’re officially out of the crib.

cue tears from both jonny & i.

on friday… the new railing came in.
jonny put it up & she loves that she can easily get in & out.

she did so well the 1st night!
she only fussed a little bit at her door but then found her toys…
played for about 45 min & then put herself to sleep!
& has done so great for naps too!

so that was milestone 1.

earlier that afternoon, she was a little fish at the pool.
& she started proving how big she was by climbing up & down the ladder in the deep end [w/ her swimmies].
she’s becoming so independent.
it’s amazing & disheartening all at the same time.
it’s incredible how fast she’s learning from us & from herself…
but the “baby-isms” are fleeting fast.

while she was climbing up & down ladders & out of her crib…
her little sister had her 1st tooth poking out.

sooo milestone 2...

we have anderlee’s first tooth.
which explains the ear pull & the bit of a stuffy nose.
she is chewing on everything & we’re letting her.

which brings me to a very sad milestone 3

for the 3rd morning in a row…
she’s stopped breastfeeding.
she won’t take me at all.
after many frustrating movements/positions…
spraying milk everywhere on her, me, & her nursery floor & rocking chair…
i think i’m going to take her lead.
i think i have to for my own sanity.

it’s not the way i want to start my day.
we’re fighting before we’ve both really woken up.

& it’s really hard.

7 months & 6 days.

we’ll see how the next week folds out…
but forcing something that may just not be her preference anymore is not something i want to do.

i’ll still pump as long as i can to keep my supply up until she’s 1 & can have other milk substitutes.
but oooof… definitely in my feels bc of this.
i’ve been journaling about this journey & may share it eventually,

milestone 4 is really exciting though…

lurayna has been working on her abc’s & can almost do the entire alphabet!
it’s SO COOL.
jonny has been helping her so much these past few weeks & it’s incredible.

not only is she doing her letters but also her number’s!
we’re almost to 10!!

& milestone 5 is tacked onto this…

she’s mocking words more than ever.
[really going to have to watch my sailor mouth now…]

she’s become so much more verbal in the last 3-4 days than i could have imagined.

it blows my mind.

her little mind blows my mind.

it’s so crazy for them to do the expected [aka grow & learn] but some how it’s still unexpected when they do it.

speaking of expectations…

they can rob us of joy, huh?

1 thing i know is that motherhood is full of the expectation to expect the unexpected.

that’s what it’s taught me.

& it’s teaching jonny.

& it’s teaching us both as a couple on a very humble assignment.

we have good intentions.

we have plans.

like the plan he made for us on friday…

resort pass for the hilton orlando purchased for both adults [kids are free]…
alllllllllll the things packed in the car & hiked into the hotel…
discounted parking…
discounted food @ pool bar…
shady spot found by the pool…
we had a blast!
until lulu had a meltdown during her 2nd lazy river experience.
we last a solid hr & a half before we needed to bolt outta there.

was it worth the $75 + tax for the pass, $25 parking & $40 bar tab for only 90 minutes?
not really.

lesson learned.
these kids need their afternoon nap.
got it.

& then today…
actual mothers day…

we figured we should pack up early to go to the clermont lake front so we can come home early & they can get their afternoon naps!
success is guaranteed, right?

jonny even went to publix last night to get what i wanted for lunch:
an adult lunchable.

packed up the car w/…
sand toys.
booster seat.
cooler full of snacks & milk.
change of clothes.

we last an hour.

anderlee had a full breakdown bc she couldn’t get to sleep.
her morning nap wasn’t happening.
so she wasn’t happening.

it was hot.
she was full.
she couldn’t get comfy on a towel in the shade or in my arms.

& then lulu wanted nothing to do w/ shoes on the playground w/ wood particles everywhere.
she wanted to do everything she wasn’t allowed to.

okey doke.
off we go.

so while i stayed in the car w/ 2 screaming children…
jonny packed up the beach stuff that we so meticulously planned to bring to ensure we’d have a great time.

lesson learned.

just don’t go anywhere w/ kids until they don’t take naps anymore.
got it.

[obviously there is sarcasm here but you get it.]

am i being petty & bratty saying these things?

but this my blog so shush.

we came home.
put the baby to bed.
lulu had pizza for lunch.
we had our fancy meats & cheeses.

& then bc she was filthy…
we both got in the bath while jonny ran errands.

this weekend has just been so emotional.

from cribs to toddler beds.

from a baby mouth to a first tooth.

from breast feeding to a bottle.

from plans to break downs.

we KNOW all these things will happen…
yet the disappointment of them happening WHEN they happen is still there.

i know lurayna will grow out of a crib, toddler & even twin bed.
doesn’t mean i’m ready for it.

i know anderlee will grow a tooth, have a full mouth of teeth, & not need any milk at all.
doesn’t mean i’m ready for it.

my 1st mothers day w/ 2 & they’re growing faster than i expected.

& then the disappointment i have w/ myself bc i’m so flustered & anxiety ridden is so frustrating too.

but gosh i love being their mom.

i love watching them grow & learn.

i do.

i love this time i get to stay home this weekend & just be here to fuss about their fuss.

i’m trying to breathe in the moments bc i know they come & go.

i hope you’re taking out the moments & capturing them mentally or physically.

i hope you are cherishing every bit of your kids.

i hope your partners are showing you the love & support you deserve & if they’re not… i hope you communicate that to them gracefully.

i hope you’re aware of your amazingness & how thankful we all are you’re doing a very thankless job.

i hope you know that taking off the pepperoni’s so it’s a cheese pizza, taking off the beans on nachos so it can be a plain tortilla chip, or wiping off the dressing from a tomato that’s been in a salad… doesn’t go unnoticed & is appreciated.

you are so loved.

happy mother’s day.

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